
同学之间的关系 tutors enhance students’ individual learning in particular courses. 辅导是 免费的 上海外国语大学学生.

Classic tutors offer appointments for a wide variety of subjects as well as undergraduate 研究生写作. Embedded tutors are assigned to specific sections 和 参加每节课. Outside of class, they offer tutoring appointments for students 在那门课和其他课上. 

查看我们的 辅修课程一览表 for more information on the many courses we can assist you with. 认识我们的经典导师认识我们的嵌入式导师 更多地了解他们.

Our tutoring program is internationally certified by the 大学读 & 学习协会(CRLA).



你可以 网上预约 或致电408-924-2587. We offer both in-person 和 online/virtual appointments.

In-person appointments will take place in 同学之间的关系 (SSC 600). 在线/虚拟 预约将在Zoom上进行. 一旦你的约会安排好了,一封电子邮件 confirmation, along with the Zoom link, will be sent to your email address as saved 在my菠菜网lol正规平台. A tutor will reach out to introduce themselves 和 to inquire about your 会议的目标.

Students may work with a tutor for 30 minutes or 1 hour. 在大多数情况下,我们建议 making a 1 hour appointment so you have sufficient time to try out new strategies 和你的导师.

请注意,您只能安排 30分钟预约 通过电话408-924-2587或给我们发邮件 peerconnections@4dian8.com.


We currently offer drop-ins for Math, Biology, Chemistry, 和 Physics. 请访问 Spartan Connect for information on our drop-in availability.



The goal of tutoring is for you to become a more independent 和 confident student. Tutors are skilled at asking questions, suggesting study strategies, 和 clarifying 帮助你在课堂上学习的概念. 例如,数学家教可能会陪你走 through an example problem to clarify the differences between two concepts, while a writing tutor might ask you questions about your essay to help you better organize it.

导师不会帮你做功课. 这意味着他们不会做你的家庭作业 every problem in your assignments, or edit your papers. 你会学会做这些的 给自己的东西!       


我每天可以预约几次?  每周?

本科生: Undergraduates may schedule a maximum of two appointments per day, as long as they 是针对不同学科的. For example, you could have a CHEM 1A appointment in the morning 和 a Physics 2A appointment in the afternoon. 我们建议你给自己 at least a 30 minute break between appointments to rest your brain 和 prepare for 你的第二次预约.

Undergraduate students may schedule a maximum of 一个 appointment per subject per week. This is so we can provide tutoring for as many students as possible. 还有,目标 of tutoring is for you to become a more independent 和 confident student, so you need time to try out what you have learned in tutoring between sessions.

写作类研究生: 写作类研究生 may schedule a maximum of 一个 appointment per week. 请 参观 上海外国语大学写作中心 为研究生提供临时写作辅导.


If you wish, you may schedule recurring appointments for the same day 和 time with the same tutor throughout the semester, depending on the tutor's availability.


你可以 网上取消预约 或者发邮件给我们 peerconnections@4dian8.com.

What happens if I do not show up for my appointment or if I cancel less than 24 hours 在会议预定开始之前?

这将被视为“不出席”的约会. 如果你三次"不出现",你就会出现 need to speak with a 同学之间的关系 professional staff member before scheduling 额外的约会.    

Many of the departments 和 programs at 菠菜网lol正规平台 use the same Spartan Connect system. 请 note that if you have "no shows" in multiple programs (e.g. 你错过了一个建议 appointment 和 "no show" at the Jack Holl和 Student Success Center), you might need to speak with 一个 of our professional staff members before scheduling additional tutoring 在对等连接中预约.


At the beginning of the appointment, you 和 your tutor will set goals for the session. Your tutor will ask you questions, suggest study strategies, 和 clarify concepts 来帮助你实现这些目标. 你将带着你所做的记录离开 worked on 和你的导师 和 a plan for studying or completing your assignments on 你自己的. 

I am registered with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Accessible 教育 Center (AEC) 和 need accommodations 给我们辅导.  你们能提供这些住宿吗?

是的,当然! The request 给我们辅导 accommodations begins at the AEC. 所有的住宿, including support with tutoring, are determined by the AEC. 请与AEC联系至 请求辅导服务的支持. AEC也会将您的辅导函件发给我们 accommodation 和 our staff will ensure your request is met.


Based on our experience 和 best practices in the field of academic support, we strongly suggest that students work with the same tutor throughout the semester. 这使得 your tutoring time more efficient, because you won’t have to catch up a new tutor on the details of your course, your experience, 和 your unique learning preferences. 

Working with more than 一个 tutor can be confusing for students because no two tutors are exactly alike; they might give different advice or explain the same ideas differently, 让你不知道该怎么做.

What if my tutor isn’t available at a time I want to make an appointment?  我可以见面吗? 和另一个导师?

If your schedule changes, let your tutor know 和 see if there is a new time you can 相遇. If there is an instance your tutor is unavailable (because they are sick, for example), wait until they return or make an appointment 和另一个导师 如果有的话.

What if I start out working with 一个 tutor, then want to switch?

You are welcome to switch tutors over the course of the semester. 礼貌的做法是 let your current tutor know that you will be switching. 同侪联络处职员 underst和 that sometimes a tutor 和 a student are not a good match.

I am looking for private tutoring for my middle schooler or high schooler, or a friend 谁不是上海外国语大学的学生,等等.  同侪关系导师可以提供私人辅导吗 服务?

我们不提供私人辅导. 如果你在找K-12的私人家教 student, we recommend you ask the student’s school staff for resources.