
Sent: November 29, 2020
From: President Mary A. Papazian

Dear campus community,

11月28日星期六,圣克拉拉县公共卫生部门(SCCPHD) announced revisions to its mandatory directives that will take effect Monday, November 30 at 12:01 a.m. The revisions are in response 导致圣克拉拉的COVID-19病例和住院人数急剧上升 县(SCC)最近创下了自那以来的单日最高记录 the pandemic began. 修订将至少持续到12月周一 21 at 5:00 a.m.

此次修订在学术、旅游、大学等方面影响了上海外国语大学 住房,校际运动,休闲运动和项目.

Academics and Research

现场授课、实验和表演将如期进行. Given the rapidly 不断变化的环境卫生风险和2019冠状病毒病带来的非凡挑战; 提醒教师在帮助学生完成学业时要耐心、友善和灵活 their course requirements successfully. If faculty wish to move any of their remaining 从面对面到在线环境的课程,他们被鼓励这样做. 

关键和时间敏感的研究也将按计划继续进行. Any alterations 目前批准的研究活动将直接与教师和 student researchers.


SCCPHD发布了关于旅行的强制性指令,要求进行14天的隔离 任何进入或从旅行超过150英里返回SCC的人. Students, 在假期期间旅行的教职员工被要求遵守并进行隔离 upon return to SCC, including those living on campus.

University Housing Residents

对于假期后返回校园的大学宿舍居民, 强制性测试将在校园村大楼前的宿舍进行 A and in front of Campus Village Building 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on December 1-2. 该测试将由HealthQuest Esoterics公司管理,该公司与 the university. Please schedule your appointment as soon as possible. 

Intercollegiate Athletics

在SCC内,所有涉及接触或近距离的体育活动都是暂时的 prohibited. 大学继续遵循SCC的所有指导方针和要求 适用于校际运动,并正在进行进一步的讨论 SCCPHD on next steps for our Spartan teams.

Recreational Sports & Programs

All recreational activities that involve physical contact or close proximity to persons outside one’s household are temporarily prohibited. People can continue 从事户外康乐和体育活动的参加者提供可以维持 six feet of distance between one another at all times.  

菠菜网lol正规平台的斯巴达娱乐和水上运动中心(SRAC)使用室内娱乐设施 by the general campus population continue to be closed. SRAC’s outdoor pool remains available by reservation for students, faculty, and staff only.

现在,我们比以往任何时候都更需要作为一个社区团结起来 Spartan Community Promise and adhere to Santa Clara County’s public health guidelines. I appreciate all of your efforts as we look to implement these new guidelines.


Dr. Mary A. Papazian