Importing 变焦 Cloud Recordings into Panopto

进口 之前 变焦 Cloud recordings into Panopto follow these steps. 

  1. sjsu.变焦.us. Select recordings in the left navigation menu. Hover over the recording and download 它使用向下的箭头图标. You can also download your recordings from the 变焦 画布选项卡.
    变焦 Cloud recordings download interface

  2. sjsu.主持 上传视频. You may also upload videos to Panopto from within Canvas. To stay organized, you can create folders. Select add folder and type the name of the folder then hit enter on your keyboard. 然后选择文件夹. 

    Create new folder in Panopto interface

  3. Next, select the Create button in the top left corner. 然后选择上传媒体. 的 captions will automatically generate.

    Upload media button in drop down menu

  4. To edit the captions, hover over your video and select the edit button which is represented by a piece of paper and pencil icon.


  5. Edit the captions by typing directly onto the captions. 选择播放按钮到 review the spoken words for accuracy.

  6. Finally, to save your edits, select the apply button in the top right corner. 你 now ready to share your video!
    Apply button to save captions and other edits

For a video tutorial showing these steps, please see Importing 变焦 Cloud Recordings into Panopto Video.