Program Learning Objectives


CCS PLOs Cropped

Upon completion of the undergraduate major, students will be able to: 

  1. Identify and explain the significance of historical, social, political and cultural events in shaping the Chicanx experience in 美国.S. (概述)
  2. Identify and use social theories to analyze historical and contemporary contexts in 美国.S. Chicanx experience including analysis of the intersections of identity with gender, class, race/ethnicity, sexuality, nation, ability and citizenship status. (理论)
  3. Describe and explain the significance of global migration and immigration in Chicanx histories and within contemporary communities. (全球)
  4. Effectively use oral, written, and creative communication to demonstrate critical thinking, research, and advocacy. (技能)


Upon completion of the graduate program, students will be able to: 

  • Identify and analyze the major issues, questions, and debates driving theory and research in Chicana/o Studies through written and oral discourse, particularly the central role of race and ethnicity and its intersectional relationship to other socially constructed categories, such as gender, class/SES, and normative heterosexuality, and its historically evolving role in shaping individual and group identities, opportunities, and outcomes in US institutions.
    • [Covers the following University Learning Objectives: Specialized Knowledge, Intellectual Skills, Applied Knowledge, Social & Global Responsibilities]  {Primarily achieved in the following courses: 200, 210, 225}
  • Analyze major theories, paradigms, and methods used to study Chicanx and Latinx communities historically and today, critically evaluate scholarship in the discipline, and conduct an ethically-based research, creative, or community-based project in Chicana/o Studies.  
    • [Covers the following University Learning Objectives: Broad Integrative Knowledge, Intellectual Skills, Applied Knowledge, Social & Global Responsibilities] {Primarily achieved in the following courses: 205, 210, 240, 275}
  • Effectively present and write insights related to PLOs 1 & 2 in chosen area of emphasis through capst一个 project that demonstrates the significance of this work and is adequate for effective instruction at the college level.  
    • [Covers the following University Learning Objectives: Intellectual Skills, Social & Global Responsibilities]  {Primarily achieved in the following courses: 240, 298, 299}