Sample Project/Thesis Proposal

AE295A - Master’s Project Proposal
介绍给博士. Nikos Mourtos


可伸缩飞行器的小型化、集成、分析和高空飞行测试 Autonomous GPS-Guided Parafoil for Targeted Payload Return


伞翼是一种特殊类型的非刚性翼型,依靠动压 in flight to retain its shape. Due to their being non-rigid (and therefore foldable/packable), 伞翼非常适合需要控制下降的场合, but limited stowage is available for any sort of traditional wing structure. 同时, 与传统的圆形降落伞相比,伞翼具有更大的方向性 控制,改善滑翔性能,并能调整下降率由 deforming the shape of the airfoil via control (or “toggle”) lines. 这些属性 伞伞使它们在人类空中下降时非常受欢迎,在那里整个 伞翼和一个冗余的备份可以储存在一个背包和快速部署 在必要的时候.

除了载人应用之外,伞翼提供了一种有吸引力的交付方式 各种有效载荷(如.g. military supplies, emergency equipment, food packages) to remote or inaccessible locations with a moderate degree of accuracy. 这个精度 可以通过在有效载荷上加入自主控制系统来进一步改进, 它可以像人类一样有效地操纵伞,引导 it with a higher degree of precision to its landing point. In the last decade, several 独立的研究努力致力于做到这一点,提供完整的, “智能”伞翼系统可以自动驾驶到预先定义的位置 landing point to deliver payloads (typically military supplies). 最近的研究成果 这些系统的精度从几公里的着陆误差提高到命令 of magnitude less, depending on prevailing winds and initial drop altitude.

在我在NASA艾姆斯研究中心的工作中,我们已经确定了小型返回的需求 有效载荷(如生物样本和小型科学实验) 空间站在需要或必要时,可独立较大的载人或补给 vehicles which visit the Station with relative infrequency. 我们提出的解决方案 为了解决这个问题,需要一种方法来引导载荷在其旅程的最后一段 到一个选定的着陆点,以高度的精度,以帮助在简单和 立即检索. The volumetric space available in the proposed return system 消除了刚性机翼结构作为解决方案,并采用大气滑翔装置 descent must remain stowed until post-reentry. For these reasons, a parafoil system appears to be a very attractive solution.

除了国际空间站的返回应用,一个完善的自主伞系统 可以扩大规模,并用于许多其他感兴趣的应用程序 我们,包括从亚轨道探测火箭飞行中返回的实验, 哪一种目前依赖于缓慢、昂贵且经常不成功的水回收 从租来的船上.

我们已经确定并与海军研究生院的研究人员合作 Monterrey, California, on a GPS-guided parafoil device they are developing. 从我们的 通过合作,我们制造了我们自己的gps导航返回装置,并且 have drop-tested it several times from low altitudes (~3000 ft. AGL)从一个自治 无人机. We have also collaborated with colleagues and a student 团队 at the University 在爱达荷州进行了三次高空气球降落,但其中两次导致了爆炸 in failures: the first, failure to separate from the balloon due to tangling; and the second, failure for the parafoil to fully inflate.

Problem Definition and Approach

虽然我们已经制造了一个自动伞翼返航的原型 我们希望在国际空间站上使用的装置,仍有许多问题需要解决 it a practical and feasible solution:

  1. Miniaturization of the autonomous control system目前,悬挂在伞翼下方的自主转向系统比较多 体积太大,无法适应国际空间站样品返回系统的限制. 需要物理结构的设计和更有效的包装方案 使控制系统小型化,同时保持可靠性和功能性. 更小的舵机,更有效的索具和张力,更小的 battery (while still maintaining design margin) are necessary to achieve this.
  2. Characterization of high-altitude parafoil aerodynamics由于我们希望使用这种设备的应用性质,它是有利的 to attain steering authority at as high an altitude as possible. 通过这样做, maximum achievable ground range of targeted landing is improved. 不幸的是, 伞翼的功能依赖于动压力来保持其结构形状, 此外,由于降落伞的坍塌和“俯冲”,高空使用也存在问题 超过它的有效载荷. To understand the maximum glide capability we can achieve with a 伞翼返航装置,使伞翼在高空/低气压下气动 need to be characterized and validated, through analysis and testing. CFD、真空 将在2012年4月进行舱室试验和另一次高空气球试验 to analyze and validate the performance of the parafoil at high altitude.
  3. Semi-rigidization of the parafoil structure为消除伞翼在低动压下的坍塌问题,提出了一种方法 在保持可包装积载能力的同时自行部署的能力将得到发展. 一种轻质的弹簧状材料系统将被添加到伞翼上 the structure “semi-rigid” and capable of maintaining its shape in a low pressure 环境. Vacuum chamber testing will provide a means of validation prior to balloon flight testing of the integrated system.
  4. Software porting of advanced guidance code to a newer control board目前,我们的版本海军研究生院的gps制导伞装置 uses a different microprocessor board than their device. Previously, I have only programmed 我们的板引导设备到一个指定的标题,而不是一个特定的集合 着陆坐标. A ported version of the advanced code exists, but is written for an older version of our control board, and has yet to be tested/de-bugged. As 作为开发工作的一部分,移植的代码需要修改以保持兼容性 with the new version of the control board, debugging, and ground-testing.

如上所述,存在从高空对整个系统进行飞行测试的机会 2012年4月与爱达荷大学的RISE气球合作 团队. This is the same 团队 we have worked with in the past and have developed an 良好的工作关系和理解所有必要的程序和协议 for safe flight testing of the parafoil system. During flight, the payload and balloon 通过APRS无线电网络上的冗余GPS应答器(业余业余无线电 band), enabling precise recovery of the payload systems.

从飞行测试返回的数据包括高清视频(一个摄像头向上看) the parafoil and another looking 45 degrees to the ground); a GPS flight track including 通过APRS网络和数据记录仪控制板,获取飞机的时间和高度 the parafoil device; and three-dimensional comp一个nt velocity and acceleration of the parafoil payload via an on-board IMU.