


"的 Timpany中心 has been such a blessing in our lives; we use personal training for my boys who have special needs so they can meet their exercise and fitness needs. 的 Timpay Center is a very welcoming and warm environment that has a great respect 对于dinsabilities. 的 staff is great, my boys have really enjoyed working with their trainers 马特,特拉维斯,还有斯蒂芬."

“I have the pleasure of working with two fantastic personal trainers: 斯蒂芬。 and 妮可. 他们 are professional, knowledgeable, kind, patient and understanding. 的 trainers use evidence-based techniques to help accomplish your fitness goals. 斯蒂芬。 and 妮可 provided me the opportunity and ability to learn about kinesiology, to make behavioral and physical changes, and develop a new way to train safely. 他们 have been changing the routines to keep them interesting and motivating at the same 欢乐时光. I importantly appreciated that they always checked my form in order to perform the 练习 in a safety way without jeopardizing straining of the muscle 和/或受伤.  的ir encouragement has given me the confidence to complete my 练习 坚持这个计划. After two months, I was able to see gains in my physique 并且帮助我达到了我的个人健身目标. 我对自己的进步感到满意 the friendship I have developed with these two great trainers.”

“我有脊髓损伤. 当我来到Timpany中心接受个人培训时, 我刚从伤病中恢复一年. 我需要找一些活动来帮助建立 力量和减肥来帮助我恢复. 个人培训经历 at Timpany中心 has been a perfect complement to physical therapy with my healthcare 提供者. My first trainer designed a regimen tailored to the muscle groups that needed focus, helping to keep me motivated while being understanding of adaptive needs. 当 my healthcare 提供者 recommended increased attention to problem areas, my trainer 能改编我们的节目吗. 我的第二个培训师是在不错过任何 用新的视角扩展我的日常生活. Timpany的培训项目 Center has helped keep me motivated and on track for months. 我的康复很大程度上归功于我 我在廷帕尼中心度过的时光.”

“个人培训经历 at Timpany中心 has been a perfect complement to 和我的医疗保健提供者一起做物理治疗. 这些教练很擅长设计 regimens that keep you motivated while understanding your adaptive needs. 我欠了很多 和我在廷帕尼中心度过的时光.”

“Timpany中心 was recommended to me by a friend and for over 8 years, I learned to do my own water 练习 by observing others and exploring the tools at my disposal. At some point, I settled on a simple regimen of swim and noodle work. 然而,这 还不够. As I look back at my struggling years, Irealized that all I needed was simply some一个 to show me the way and provide the direction my body needed in 为了适应. Last year, 斯蒂芬。 introduced himself to me as a lifeguard and a 健身教练.

当 Timpany中心 was shut down for renovation, I joined 斯蒂芬。’s land-based fitness class. I observed right away that his well-thought out 练习 were invigorating me. As the class sessions progressed, my blood pressure dropped. 我的记忆也是如此 随着我认知能力的提高. 我对注册的结果很满意 和他一起进行了一系列的个人训练.

我没有失望. As the personal training sessions progressed, I noticed that the pain in my knees and hip was greatly reduced, my cardiovascular function improved. 斯蒂芬。’s routines helped me achieve the “equilibrium” I needed and as a consequence, 我的个人、社交和工作活动增加了.

斯蒂芬。 has several of the qualities I admire in a fitness instructor. 他是个麻烦 solver – I was made to see where certain parts of my body were underperforming. I 我明白这些部分需要再次“开火”. 他是一个善于沟通的人 – I heard I had to build what was lost and that it takes a “soldiers’ discipline” to achieve incremental benefits of having a regimen and a schedule in place. 他是 sincere - a person’s wellness is foremost in his mind and heart. 他很有洞察力。 – he appears to know what a person’s fitness requirements are ahead of time. 最后, he is a keen observer – he adjusts his routines according to a person’s specific needs.

I would like to emphasize that 斯蒂芬。’s regimen towards my recovery process is just 这是我康复过程中的一个方面. 在这个过程中,我认识到其他方面 对我的整体健康至关重要. 比如,我在手术前后服用镁 练习. I also take essential fatty acids that aid in the production of energy 在我的身体. My recovery process also includes nutrition, ph balancing, breathing work, cardiovascular 练习, rest in-between 练习, sunshine, walking, social activities, 捏脊工作等. - the overall balance I need in my life in order to be whole 再一次。.”

“It is with pleasure and honor that I commend the staff and program at the San Jose 州立大学Timpany中心.

斯蒂芬。 Richardson has been my personal trainer since I joined the Timpany中心 18个月前,在两次髋关节手术之间. 当时,我遇到了困难 站立和行走. My goal was to improve my overall physical condition and progress to standing/walking for 30 minutes and to losing 20 lbs, both of which I have successfully 完成和超越.

斯蒂芬。 has expertly prescribed and implemented an individualized, 一个-on-一个 exercise program for me, on both land and in the water, to assist with surgery preparation and with on-going recovery from hip replacement surgery, in addition, increase my 整体活动能力,控制关节功能和疼痛.

At 一个 point in our on-going twice-weekly fitness program, I had an injury occur in 我的家,一个秋天,改变了我们项目的进程. 注意新的身体问题, 斯蒂芬。 astutely assessed my physical condition and adjusted the exercise regimen 根据我目前的能力和需要. 

对我来说,在水中锻炼改变了游戏规则! 我现在很期待和 participate enthusiastically in our sessions and experience total body movement improvement and the benefits of increased physical, mental and spiritual well-being. 参与 of the Timpany中心 community has been uplifting as well, having made new acquaintances 和朋友! 谢谢你让我感到如此受欢迎和关心!


