

Assistant Professor




Dr 斯塔斯Tiomkin is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer 工程 在查尔斯W酒店. Davidson College of 工程 at San Jose State University. He is a PI in an interdisciplinary research lab, ‘Computational Intelligence, Control, and Information’ (CI^2 Lab). 在此之前, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Robot Learning Lab by Prof Pieter Abbeel, at Berkeley Artificial Intelligence 研究 at 加州大学伯克利分校. He received a PhD under the guidance of Prof Naftali Tishby and Prof Daniel Polani in Computer 科学 and 工程, Hebrew University, Israel. 在此之前, he received a MSc from the Viterbi 教师 of Electrical and Computer 工程, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, and a double major BSc in Computer 工程 and Physics from Hebrew University. 

研究 Interests: artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, optimal control, multimodal perception-action loop in robot learning, learning in cyberphysical systems, unsupervised training and intrinsic autonomy, Lie manifolds learning, non-linear and hybrid dynamics, object manipulation and tool use, human-AI interaction and collaboration, guarantees from optimal control theory for deep learning, representation learning of complex data via multivariate information bottlenecks.